In order to increase the togetherness or silaturahim
between the muslimah students of Pps UNY, “Kajian Kemuslimahan Bilingual” was
held by KMP Kerohanian on December 4, 2015. Another purpose of the event was
also to improve the English skills of the participants involved. Ibu Lusi Nurhayati, M.Appl.Ling., one of the English
lecturers of FBS UNY, kindly delivered the religious lecture. All the
participants reflected their enthusiasm during the religious lecture.
The occasion started with a gentle discussion about our
iman which always fluctuates, we could not agree more. It is such a normal
thing that we realize our iman goes up and down. For one thing, we can never be
sure of how high our iman is, or how high it will be. As
a rule, iman is anything but static. Indeed the heart turns all the time, and
we ask Allah, the Turner
of hearts, to fix our hearts upon the right and straight path.
Then, Ibu Lusi continued her lecture through explaining
six tips that can help us to recharge our iman. Firstly, is having the will to start again. We know
this famous quotes, “Where there is a will, there is a way”. Second, do not
neglect your sholat. Whatever happens, even if you pray it with wavering
concentration, do not stop praying. Third, randomly open the Qur’an and
see what Allah wants to tell you. Whenever you feel like you are losing your energy and your performance is starting to drop,
quickly turn to the Qur’an and you will always find a way out. Fourth, talk
to a religious and knowledgeable person. Yes, it will definitely help you
know exactly what you need to, so it will lift up your spirits again. Fifth, fast on a random
day and do good on it. Fasting is a great iman booster especially
when you accompany it
with doing good to others. Sixth, Visualize and read about Paradise.
Visualize the reward in the next life for holding on to your faith in this life
which is imagine Paradise.
Finally, the participants were given the chance to ask
some questions. They spoke both English and Bahasa to make sure what they meant
was. In due to Bilingual forum, Ibu Lusi also gave the answers with those two
languages. We got some conclusions beside the six steps to recharge our iman.
A good muslimah is always concerned about her iman. Guidance is in the hands of
Allah. It is an ongoing, daily, series of actions and we have to go back to
Allah to seek it over and over again. Last, we have to always remember this.
Life is short. We do not know what is around the corner. Young people are
passing away faster than elders. Nothing is promised except death. (Humas Media KMP UNY)
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